Passionfruit Grade Standards

The NZ Passionfruit Growers Association is keen to ensure all fruit supplied to overseas and New Zealand markets is of a very high standard and has developed the following acceptable quality guidelines


Full, even and characteristic of variety. No copper residue or green appearance.


Local – Light greening

Tag 3- Heavy greening

Tag 3 – Blotches

No Market – Green fruit


Free from cuts, puncture, rots, bruising, freezing injury or similar defects that may lead to breakdown or decay.

No Market – Sunburn

Tag 3 – Brown Spot

No Market – Brown Spot

Thrips damage



Local Market

Local Market

Tag 3

Tag 3


No more than 1.0 sq cm light coloured blemish permitted. No grease spot allowed.

Shape and Stalks

Typical of variety, uniform with full shoulders. No stalk all markets except Tag 3 grade

Shape – Tag 3

Shape – Tag 3

Shape – Tag 3

Stalk – Unacceptable Export & Local markets

Stalk – Acceptable all markets

Cleanliness and Firmness

Free from dirt, dust, spray residues, foreign matter, insect stains,  abnormal moisture or other foreign substances. 

Not to be wrinkled or soft.

Cleanliness – Copper deposit marketable when removed

Cleanliness – Bird lime marketable when removed

Firmness – Light wrinkling – Tag 3

Firmness – Heavy wrinkling – Tag 3

Firmness – Woodiness virus – Tag 3

Firmness – Woodiness virus – Tag 3