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Why Buy New Zealand Passionfruit?
The NZPGA hereby advises that by the Commodity Levies Order 2020,
the rate of levy on passionfruit from January 2025 is 3%.
Things our customers should know…

New Zealand is a clean, green, island nation in the South Pacific
and there are definite advantages which come from being so isolated.
We are free of major pollutants and also free of Fruit Fly which means we have access to
most world markets.
But there are other important advantages as well, including…
- Very few, if any, insecticides are used on New Zealand passionfruit so buyers can be assured of no chemical residues.
- Because the fruit drops to the ground when mature, buyers can be assured of consistent quality and sweetness.
- Unlike a lot of other fruit, the taste of New Zealand passionfruit actually improves with age, hence the saying “sweeter when wrinkled.”
- New Zealand passionfruit have good storage life, up to 4 weeks if stored in a refrigerator at the correct temperature (see storage details on the tray).
- The fruit is harvested and packed in single layer trays and reaches world markets within 24-48 hours.
- Each fruit is individually labelled with a PLU sticker and each tray is wrapped in a plastic liner to stop dehydration.
- There are between 28 and 42 fruit per tray depending on size.
- The fruit has a final audit by Agriquality staff who check for quality and pests before air freighting overseas.
- New Zealand passionfruit are available for 8 months of the year (see availability chart on this site).
- New Zealand passionfruit are a very good source of Vitamin C, a useful source of Vitamin A and niacin, with some riboflavin.
- They are also an excellent source of dietary fibre, low in sodium with no fat.
- One medium sized fruit contains around 15 calories (see nutrition information on this site).
Buying Locally from Growers
Some growers sell directly to the public. You may be able to visit their orchard or have produce couriered to you.
Many will courier nationwide.
Also, search Facebook Marketplace and Trademe for other passionfruit listings by growers.
Bay Tropics Beks Mob: 022-066-0582 Website: Email: We sell passionfruit in 2.5kg and 5kg boxes, as well as mixed fruit boxes with feijoas, avocados, limes, tamarillos and more. Our orchard is in Bay of Plenty Our passionfruit is available February to September All orders are subject to the availability of fruit. All produce is delivered via courier around NZ, (charges apply). – | Onepu Springs Orchard Ltd Andrea Mob: 021-295-0387 Website – on Facebook and Market Place as Passionfruit2you Email We sell cartons, trays or small boxes of passionfruit. Our orchard is in the Bay of Plenty Our season ends around the end of April All produce is delivered via courier around NZ,(charges apply). We also sell – Bottled Dessert Passionfruit – Passionfruit & Apple Jelly (no pips) – Frozen Passionfruit Pulp – Delicious Apple Chutney – Tomato Relish – and Quince Jelly |
Local Passionfruit Wholesalers/Marketers
The following local marketers are members of the New Zealand Passionfruit Growers Association.
Growers can sell their fruit to these wholesalers and retailers can buy fruit from them.
Fresh Direct Limited Ivan Nola Mob: 022-014-1251 Email: Web: Info: Marketers Brief . | MG Marketing Zach Zaloum Tel: 03-349-2070 Mob: 027-7165-753 Email: Web: Info: Marketers Brief |
Pole to Pole Fresh Ltd Todd Abrahams Mob: 027-478-9397 Tel: 07-573-9802 Email: Web and Info: Online Sales: |
Export Marketers
The following NZ based wholesalers are members of the New Zealand Passionfruit Growers Association and export fruit overseas.
Growers can sell their fruit to these wholesalers and overseas customers can buy fruit from these companies.
Fresh Produce Group NZ Ltd Russell Faulkner Mob: +64-21-489-995 Email: Web: Info: Marketers Brief | J P Exports Ltd Simon Tallon Mob: +64-21-242-2255 Email: Web: Info: Marketers Brief |
Foodview John Miller Mob: +64-27-291-0608 Email: Web: Info: Marketers Brief | Pole to Pole Export Ltd Todd Abrahams Mob: 027-478-9397 Tel: 07-573-9802 Email: Web and Info: |